Saturday, November 30, 2019
USS Arizona Memorial Essay Example For Students
USS Arizona Memorial Essay December 7th, 1941, was the opening of World War 2, in the Pacific arena. In 1931, Japan invaded Chinas northern parts and then in 1937, Japan announced a full invasion of China. The United States couldnt just stand by and let Japan take over Asias parts, so they moved their fleets to Pearl Harbor. The strongest ships were the battleships, which were named after the states of the union. U.S. Arizona was made in 1915 and then was Rebuilt and updated in 1930. The ship was surrounded with over 8,000 tons of armor plating and had 14 guns that could shoot bullets over 20 miles. Since President Theodore Roosevelt didnt like that idea of just standing around and letting Japan take over Asia, he ordered that the U.S. stop all shipments and deliveries of American oil to Japan. American oil was very important to Japan and so they were upset and had to take charge. The U.S. knew that a surprise attack in Pearl Harbor could happen and they thought they were ready for it. U.S. Commanding officer Hudman E. Kimmel sent out his fleets to exercise and prepare just in case the Japanese decided to plan an attack. On November 26th, 1941, Japan sent 6 aircraft carriers to Hawaii. The U.S. had up to date radars, and anti- cap guns that could help protect Oahu.Wheeler Airforce base watched the skies and if signaled by Wheeler, Hickam Airforce base could attack the Japanese Fleets before they were even ready for the attack. The night before the attack, December 6th, 1941, the band on Arizona was holding a band concert on board and no one thought that that would be theyre last day of peace. We will write a custom essay on USS Arizona Memorial specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now At 6 a.m., 220 miles north of Oahu, the still undetected aircraft carriers of Japan sent their planes to Pearl Harbor. First they sent off the Fighters, then the Attack Planes (that had special bombs to hit and sink battleships, or Torpedos that were made to run in the shallow water of Pearl Harbor), and last were the Dive Bombers. There were 183 Japanese planes sent out in all. 30 minutes later another 167 planes left the carriers. Around the same time, the destroyer word sighted and sunk and 2 man midget submarine. Right after that the radar installation team sighted a huge flight of planes coming into the harbor. They notified the operators and Fort Shafter but the operator told them that it was probably just the B-17s that were due in from California that morning, and told them not to worry about it. The radar installation team was the first to detect the Japanese strike force. At 7:48 a.m., Kaneohe Bay was bombed and right after Fort Shafters planes and hangers were destroyed. O n the northern side of Ford Island, the cruiser ship Roly and the trainer ship Utah were hit. The Utah rolled over too quickly and anyone inside couldnt get out. 58 men went down with Utah. More torpedo planes came in through the south entrance of Pearl Harbor and attacked Oklahoma, California and West Virginia. West Virginia settled in the shallow waters. California almost cap-sized but then quickly counter flooded and she also sank up right. Oklahoma rolled over so quickly, 115 men were trapped inside. A few minutes after 8 a.m., Arizona was bombed. The bomb went through the deck and collided with the forward ammunition magazine that caused tons of ammunition to explode. In the explosion, 1,177 men died without even knowing what hit them. Around 8:50 a.m., the second wave of Japanese crafts pulled into the Harbor. The second wave hit Hickam and Wheeler Army Base again. The smoke from all the explosions gave some cover from the Japanese planes but they soon spotted Nevada, already damaged and barely running, trying to make it to sea. The torpedo planes charged Nevada bombing her decks. The Captain soon pulled The Nevada to rest in the shallow waters of Hospital Point to avoid blocking the channel. .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b , .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .postImageUrl , .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b , .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:hover , .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:visited , .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:active { border:0!important; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:active , .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ua9532b1036881f9af57287bbad6d087b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: AGAINST MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION EssayAt 10:00 a.m., the Japanese planes left. Japan had caused the United States Navy the biggest disaster they had ever experienced. 21 Vessels, including all 8 battleships were either sunk or damaged. There were over
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Japanese Translation - Translating from Japanese
Japanese Translation - Translating from Japanese Choosing the right words for a translation can be difficult. Some sentences are translated literally, word by word. However, most sentences can be translated in many different ways. Since Japanese verbs have a formal and informal form and there is also male and female speech, the same sentence can sound quite different depending on how it is translated. Therefore it is important to know the context when translating. Being able to translate can be fun and rewarding when learning a language. After you learn the basics of Japanese, I recommend you to try to translate a sentence yourself first before asking for help. The more you practice, the better you get. Dictionaries You might want have a good English-Japanese/Japanese-English dictionary. Electric dictionaries and online dictionaries are also widely available nowadays. Although standard dictionaries canââ¬â¢t compete for content with an online dictionary, I still like to look up words the old fashion way. Learning about Particles You also need to have a little knowledge about particles. They are an important part of Japanese sentences. Sentence-ending particles are often used to distinguish male and female speech as well. Online Translations Online translation services like Google Translate and Bing Translator are not always reliable, but you can get rough idea of the meaning in a pinch. Translation Services If your translation is something bigger or beyond your knowledge, you could seek professional help form a translation service.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Charles Wheelan
From 1997 to 2002, he was the Midwest correspondent for The Economist. He has also written for the Chicago Tribune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and Yahoo! Finance. Wheelan is a regular contributor to the Motley Fool Radio Show on National Public Radio and to the Eight Forty-Eight program on WBEZ, Chicago Public Radio. Naked Economics, Wheelans first book, is an introduction to economics for lay readers. And Wheelans Naked Statistics (2013) is an introduction to statistics. He has also recently written The Centrist Manifesto. Works [edit] Books Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science, W. W. Norton, 2002. ISBN 0-393-04982-5 Revealing Chicago: An Aerial Portrait, Harry N. Abrams, 2005. ISBN 0-8109-5874-0 Introduction to Public Policy, W. W. Norton, 2010. ISBN 0-393-92665-6 10 1/2 Things No Commencement Speaker Has Ever Said, W. W. Norton, 2012. ISBN 978-0-393-07431-4 Naked Statistics: Stripping the Dread from the Data, W. W. Norton, 2013. ISBN 978-0-393-07195-5 The Centrist Manifesto, W. W. Norton, 2013. ISBN 0-393-34687-0
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Why did God become man in Jesus Christ Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Why did God become man in Jesus Christ - Essay Example How the death of Jesus Christ, as a man, could become an act of redemption for all human beings is further explained by St. Athanasius. It is revealed that ââ¬Å"in His death all might die, and the law of death thereby be abolished because, having fulfilled in His body that for which it was appointed, it was thereafter voided of its power for men.â⬠And this became the completion of a circle that started when man was banished from the Garden of Eden with the cure of death fallen upon him. And this is why as Corinthians 15:22 says, ââ¬Å"in Adam, all dieâ⬠but in Jesus, all resurrect. Such an intervention by God became imperative just because man had once ââ¬Å"shared the nature of the Wordâ⬠but the same man was now the slave of corruption, made so by the ââ¬Å"deceitâ⬠of the devil. As the second coming of Jesus as indicated in the Messianic prophesy, is to impart the ââ¬Å"final death blowâ⬠to Satan, this second coming in all possibilities will not be in the form of man again. The Revelation 001:007 of the Bible has made a record of this second coming and has said, ââ¬Å"behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, including those who pierced him.â⬠From the allusion to the clouds, it is clear that Jesus is not coming the second time as a man, a mortal. Hence it has to be concluded that only the first coming of Jesus is the first and last instance in which he is coming as a mortal. This is the real rarity of the situation.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The Civil Rights Movement Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Civil Rights Movement - Research Paper Example This was while the latter had no time to care for their own families. This paper will examine the novel The Help, connecting its themes and events to those of the civil rights movement and other relevant issues. The Help offers insight into the provocative subject of racial, gender and class segregation during the civil rights movement era. Stockettââ¬â¢s novel is an intriguing novel that examines the lives of black maids during the civil rights movement in the early 1960s. Stockett shows the relationship between African Americans and the whites as a complex continuum of abuse, mistrust, hate, dependence, attachment and shockingly, love. Notably, Stockett wittingly portrays this array of emotions in a humorous and agile manner. However, her expression at the end of the novel shows that portraying these mixed emotions was not an easy feat. In a personal excerpt at the novelââ¬â¢s conclusion, Stockett notes that there is no trickier subject for a Southern writer than that of love between a white and a black person within the imbalanced world of segregation. Nonetheless, Stockett portrays these emotions with equal degrees of seriousness and humor. However, the absence of reference to one of the most critical mass struggles of the South gives a sense of inaccuracy with regard to the novel. The mass struggle in this case refers to that which shattered the Jim Crow structure in the South during the civil rights movement. ... Prior to the year, 1965, African Americans sought to break state disfranchisement but were unsuccessful. However, the motiveless attack of peaceful marchers by state troopers, in Alabama, forced Congress and President Johnson to counter the resistance of Southern legislators to allow African Americanââ¬â¢s enfranchisement. The Help centers on the lives of three characters. They include: Skeeter, a fresh grandaunt from an affluent white family aiming at a journalist career; Aibileen and Minny, black maids who consented to speak out about the tribulations of African Americans. The three set out on a project to expose the ills of racial segregation in the South. The trioââ¬â¢s project coincides with the upsurge of the second wave of the feminist movement. Although the novel revolves around feminist movement events that preceded the Womenââ¬â¢s Liberation Movement and the foundation of the National Organization for Women (NOW) by feminist leaders like Betty Friedman, the novel s hows that women, particularly African American women, began seeking freedom from segregation before such movements become public (Maslin 16). While The Help does not provide a perfect description of the events of the 1960s by suppressing the budding feminism of certain characters, the novel still touches on many pertinent issues relevant to 1960s feminism movement and civil rights movement. The Help showcases the role of womenââ¬â¢s feminism movements in the larger civil rights movement. Stockett uses different characters to describe the feminist issues at the center of the civil rights movement. Firstly, Skeeterââ¬â¢s independence and rebelliousness towards restrictions enforced by societal norms shows not only a hint of feminism, but also the progress of the civil rights
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Greek Mythology and Zeus Essay Example for Free
Greek Mythology and Zeus Essay Multiple Choice: Choose the response that best answers the question. 2 points each. 1. This type of analysis was pioneered by French anthropologist Claude Levi-Strauss a. Theoretical analysis b. Liminal analysis c. Structural analysis d. None of the above 2. This term refers to the many Greek gods a. Pantheon b. Tetrarchy c. Tritopatores d. All of the above 3. Kronos and Rhea were the parents of: a. Zeus b. Poseidon c. Hades d. All of the above 4. Known for his lightning bolt, this god was often called the king of the gods in the ancient Greek tradition a. Poseidon b. Odin c. Jesus d. Zeus 5. __________ is our oldest written source of information about the Greek gods a. Hesiod b. Homer c. Apollodorus d. None of the above 6. Poseidon was called the ââ¬Å"earth-shakerâ⬠because: a. He could gather clouds and call forth storms b. He could grant a successful voyage to sailors c. The sea, his domain, surrounded the earth, and thus he who held the earth could shake it. d. His weapon was a massive pitchfork that split the earth 7. Hades was: a. Both a place and a god b. A lifeless realm of shadows and gloom c. The place where psychai went after death d. All of the above 8. This god raped his sister Demeter as she roamed Earth looking for Persephone. a. Hades b. Zeus c. Poseidon d. Ares 9. The winged horse Pegasus is the son of: a. Zeus b. Aphrodite c. Cyclops d. Poseidon 10. By the classical period, Hades feature three main levels: a. Tartarus, Elysium, Erebus b. Erebus, Fields of Asphodel, Elysium c. Tartarus, Fields of Asphodel, Elysium d. None of the above 11. Charon immediately ferried passengers into the underworld as long as they: a. Asked nicely b. Carried a gold coin to pay their way c. Prayed to Zeus for help d. Obeyed Hadesââ¬â¢ every command 12. Objects destined for Hades were buried with the bodies of the dead, however they were: a. Burned or broken as a symbol of their belonging to the realm of the dead b. Coated in gold to please Hades c. Buried with the spouse of the deceased d. None of the above 13. Rhea saved Zeus from his father Kronos by: a. Feeding him another womanââ¬â¢s child b. Engaging in a conspiracy with her brothers and sisters to imprison him c. Feeding him a rock disguised as a baby d. All of the above 14. These ancestor gods were considered to be beneficent dead: a. Forefathers b. Aorai c. Restless dead d. Tritopatores 15. This goddess is known as the goddess of wild animals and carried a silver bow. a. Athena b. Hippodomeia c. Hera d. Artemis 16. As the goddess of virginal women and women in childbirth, Artemis could: a. Determine how much pain a woman experienced during labor b. Decide who a woman could marry c. Prevent infants from being exposed d. None of the above 17. This goddess waged a contest with Poseidon over a major city in ancient Greece. a. Artemis b. Aphrodite c. Athena d. Hera 18. Athena is called a ââ¬Å"motherless childâ⬠because: a. She was born when Kronos vomited up all of his children b. She was born from Zeusââ¬â¢s forehead after he swallowed Metis c. She killed her mother moments after she was born d. None of the above 19. The aegis was: a. A symbol of Zeusââ¬â¢ favoritism b. Athenaââ¬â¢s protective garment c. Crafted from the hide of Amalthea d. All of the above 20. This was the god of war: a. Nike b. Zeus c. Ares d. Apollo 21. Ares was despised by his fellow Olympian deities because he was known as: a. Rude, crude and maniacal b. The favorite of Zeus c. The true king of the Olympians d. None of the above 22. The Romans viewed Mars positively because: a. He married a mortal woman and became the first king of Rome b. He raped a Vestal Virgin, fathering Romulus and Remus in the process c. He fought off an attack of the Titans on Rome d. All of the above 23. This god was ââ¬Å"either thrown out of Olympus because he was lame, or lame because he was thrown out of Olympus.â⬠a. Hermes b. Apollo c. Hephaestus d. Remus 24. Hephaestus was known for his many inventions. He used a golden net to: a. Capture the Phoenix b. Prevent the Medusa from escaping Okeanos c. Capture his wife Aphrodite and Ares in their adulterous affair d. Build the walls of Troy 25. This god was known for his licentious behavior and intoxicating drink: a. Hephaestus b. Ares c. Dionysus d. Hermes Short answer: Answer briefly in written prose. 4 points each. 1. Explain why Prometheus is a liminal figure. 2. Discuss the nature of Zeusââ¬â¢ relationship with Hera. 3. Describe the rites of Dionysus. 4. Describe what makes Prometheus a ââ¬Å"culture giver.â⬠5. Describe Hestiaââ¬â¢s central role in Greek culture. Essay Question. Respond in formal prose. 30 points. 1. Considering all of the material we covered in class regarding the Greek gods, Greek culture and structural analysis, compare and contrast major elements of the stories of Greek myth and the modern film Clash of the Titans. What aspects of Greek mythology are retained in the film? Which ones are not? In terms of cultural values, what does the story of Perseus and his adventures reveal about ancient Greek culture? What does the film reveal about modern viewersââ¬â¢ ideas about Greek mythologyââ¬âi.e. how are the gods depicted differently from the way ancient Greeks conceived of them and what is the relationship between humans and gods? Be sure to cite specific examples. Use the textbook and our close study of the Greek tragedies read in class for ââ¬Å"Greekâ⬠examples. Use the film as evidence of ââ¬Å"modernâ⬠examples.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Harry Forster Chapin: Musician, Song Writer, Film Editor and Political
In the short thirty-nine years of the life of Harry Forster Chapin (1942-1981), he managed to distinguish himself as a creative genius in multiple fields, ultimately leaving a distinct mark on this world, though he received only moderate public recognition. Professionally, he was a musical performer and songwriter, a film editor, and a political activist and lobbyist, able to reach remarkable heights in all three fields. In the field of music, Chapin rose to stardom as a rock and roll performer and songwriter during the 1970's, introducing the world to a new style of music he created and popularized, the story-song. Within this new framework, Chapin was able to use his interest and proficiency in poetry to create song lyrics which told the story of a character or group of characters. He was able to weave wonderfully powerful tales of the lives of his characters in a few short stanzas, applying many traditional story-line techniques; a rising action which lead to a climax, followed by a falling action which usually revealed an unexpected twist, offering a recognizable message in the last few lyrics of the song. The subjects of these songs were generally based on Chapin's real life experiences and moods, and in this sense, he was able to express more honestly the feeling associated with the stories. Furthermore, Chapin went a step further by adding music to his stories, accentuating the changes in tone of the stories with musical accompaniments. His musical style contained many folk, rock and roll, jazz and blues elements, revealing his diverse musical background and familiarity with a variety of styles. The result was a remarkably popular style, which granted Chapin the ability to generate a strong connection to his audience during... ...o Gardner, another major milestone taking place around 1976, with the completion of perhaps his most comprehensive piece, an autobiographical song called "There Only Was One Choice". In it, Chapin mysteriously foretold of his tragic death at a young age: When I started this song I was still thirty-three. The age that Mozart died and Sweet Jesus was set free, Keats and Shelly, too soon finished, Charlie Parker would be And I fanaticized a tragedy be soon curtailing me. He also included in the song, the lyrics which have come to define his life more than any other: Inexperience - it once accursed me, but your youth is no handicap, it's what makes you thirsty. (From "Danceband on the Titanic" 1977) Bibliography: Coan, Peter M. Taxi: The Harry Chapin Story. New York:Carol Publishing Group. C. 1990. Http://
Monday, November 11, 2019
Animals and Birds Should Never Be Kept in Cages
ââ¬Å"Animals and birds should never be kept in cagesâ⬠A cage is defined as an enclosure used to confine or protect something. People nowadays keep animals in cages for entertainment and profit purposes. However, there are other reasons, such as the importance of preserving the species to ensure it does not go into extinction and giving people a chance to appreciate wildlife that is impossible to find in a modern city. Therefore, to a great extent I agree that animals and birds should be kept in cages. To begin with, caging animals and birds prevent them from going into extinction. By caging animals in enclosures that simulate their natural environments, these animals will not be vulnerable. They are allowed to roam around the space provided without their natural instinct to live in the ââ¬Å"wildâ⬠being destroyed. By providing animals and birds food and proper medical care, their healths are taken care of. If we let the animals live in the wild untouched, they may be prone to contracting diseases. Not only that, they are more subjected to being hunted. Furthermore, animals are not evenly distributed around the world due to the differences in the habitats that they live in. These animals allow humans to appreciate wildlife more. Humans will be exposed to different types of species available including those that exist in natural abundance and those that are endangered. This increases their awareness about the wild. By portraying endangered species, humans may pay more attention to preserve them. This also helps to prevent animals from going into extinction. For instance, the White Tigers at the Singapore Zoological Garden are kept in enclosures that resemble their natural habitat. According to research, there are six subspecies of tigers left in the world and one of them is The White Tigers. On the flip side, some people may claim that caging the animals and birds is unethical as it deprives them of their freedom. However, I cannot agree to this statement. As I have stated, animals are kept in enclosures that are big enough for them to roam around. This does not deprive animals of their freedom. In conclusion, it is important to cage animals as it reaps benefits for both animals and humans. Indeed, it is my conviction that animals and birds should be kept in cages.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Gambling addictionââ¬â¢s effect on family Essay
Gambling is a distraction for most people, something to look forward to on a vacation or the occasional trip to the racetrack. However, there are others who canââ¬â¢t control their interest in gambling. Instead of doing it on an occasional basis, it becomes an everyday activity and a cruel addiction. Individuals who become addicted to gambling often get overwhelmed by the activity and allow it to become the dominant thing in their lives at the expense of themselves and their family. Addiction Addicted gamblers get into trouble when they start chasing their losses. A gambler may go to the casino or go online to gamble with a fixed amount of money. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, the increased access to gambling throughout the United States the problem of pathlological gambling is likely to increase in the future. Sponsored Links Pedialyteà ® For Children When it Comes to Rehydration, Other Household Beverages Canââ¬â¢t Compare. www. Pedialyte. com Function The gambler doesnââ¬â¢t want to lose, but when those losses occur, he doesnââ¬â¢t want others to know about it. He wants to hide his losses because he doesnââ¬â¢t want to disappoint others and he doesnââ¬â¢t want to face the consequences of what is happening. So when an addicted gambler is losing, he is hurting his family by losing money that cannot afford to be lost and he is hurting is family even more by lying to them. According to a report by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, there are 2. 5 million pathological gamblers in the United States and another 3 million problem gamblers. Impact In many cases, the addicted gamblerââ¬â¢s family doesnââ¬â¢t find out about the problem until many months or years have gone by. The gambler may manipulate the familyââ¬â¢s money for a while to make it look like all the funds are in tact. However, after a given period, that wonââ¬â¢t be possible because the money will be gone. The gamblerââ¬â¢s spouse or significant other may discover the shortfall in a routine examination of the accounts or the gambler may admit the problem when the guilt becomes overwhelming. Either way, trust has been destroyed in the relationship. Treatment Preventing a gambler from gambling is difficult, but if family members know about the problem and really want to help, they can practice tough love in order to prevent the gambler from doing more damage to himself and to the family. A support group like Gamblers Anonymous can also help. GA, modeled after Alcoholics Anonymous, uses 12 steps to increase self-awareness and identify character defects that can help the individual arrest his gambling problem. However, the compulsive gambler cannot be ââ¬Å"cured. â⬠Identification The American Academy of Family Physicians has identified some of the behaviors associated with pathological gambling, which can help family members identify if a family member has a gambling problem. These behaviors include preoccupation with gambling; repeated failed efforts to control gambling; gambles to escape problems; lies to family members, therapists and others to conceal gambling losses and relies on others to provide money to relieve desperate financial situations.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
AP Biology Scores - Learn What You Need for College
AP Biology Scores - Learn What You Need for College Biology is the most popular of the Advanced Placement natural science subjects, and over a quarter million students take the AP Biology exam every year. The great majority of colleges will offer course credit for an exam score of a 4 or 5, although there are a few highly selective schools that do not award either credit or course placement. About the AP Biology Course and Exam The AP Biology is a lab science course, and at least 25 percent of class time will be spent conducting hands-on laboratory learning. Along with important terminology and biological principles, the course covers inquiry and reasoning skills that are central to the sciences. The course is organized around four central ideas that are essential for understanding living organisms and biological system: Evolution. Students must understand the various processes that drive genetic change.Cellular Processes: Energy and Communication. This element of the course focuses on the ways that living systems capture energy and use feedback loops with their external environments.Genetics and Information Transfer. Students learn about sexual and asexual reproduction and the ways in which genetic information is transmitted to offspring.Interactions. From the cellular level to populations to entire ecosystems, biological systems rely upon various types of interactions. Students learn about both competition and cooperation. AP Biology Score Information In 2018, 259,663 students took the AP Biology exam, and the mean score was 2.87.Ã 159,733 (61.5%) of those students scored a 3 or higher indicating that they have proven a level of competency to potentially earn college credit.Ã The distribution of scores for the AP Biology exam is as follows: AP Biology Score Percentiles (2018 Data) Score Number of Students Percentage of Students 5 18,594 7.2 4 55,964 21.6 3 85,175 32.8 2 73,544 28.3 1 26,386 10.2 :Unlike the SAT or ACT, reporting AP test scores to colleges is typically optional, so a score of 1 or 2 wont necessarily hurt your college chances if you earned good grades in the class. College Credit and Course Placement for AP Biology Most colleges and universities have a science and lab requirement, so a high score on the AP Biology exam will sometimes fulfill this requirement. The table below presents some representative data from a variety of colleges and universities. This information is meant to provide a general overview of the scoring and placement practices related to the AP Biology exam. For other schools, youll need to explore the college website or contact the appropriate Registrars office to get AP placement information. Sample AP Biology Scores and Placement College Score Needed Placement Credit Georgia Tech 5 BIOL 1510 (4 semester hours) Grinnell College 4 or 5 4 semester credits; no placement Hamilton College 4 or 5 1 credit after completing a course beyond BIO 110 LSU 3, 4 or 5 BIOL 1201, 1202 (6 credits) for a 3; BIOL 1201, 1202, 1208, 1209 (8 credits) for a 4 or 5 MIT - no credit or placement for AP Biology Mississippi State University 4 or 5 BIO 1123 (3 credits) for a 4; BIO 1123 and BIO 1023 (6 credits) for a 5 Notre Dame 4 or 5 Biological Sciences 10101 (3 credits) for a 4; Biological Sciences 10098 and 10099 (8 credits) for a 5 Reed College 4 or 5 1 credit; no placement Stanford University - No credit for AP Biology Truman State University 3, 4 or 5 BIOL 100 Biology (4 credits) for a 3; BIOL 107 Introductory Biology I (4 credits) for a 4 or 5 UCLA (School of Letters and Science) 3, 4 or 5 8 credits; no placement Yale University 5 1 credit; MCDB 105a or b, 107a, 109b, or 120a As you can see, some highly selective schools such as UCLA and Grinnell provide elective credits but no placement for a strong AP Biology score. Stanford and MIT have even less confidence in the course and exam, and those schools offer no credit or placement.Ã A Final Word About AP Biology AP Biology can be an excellent choice for students who are planning a pre-health or pre-vet track in college. This are typically rigorous and structured academic paths, so placing out of a course gives you valuable flexibility in your college schedule. And, of course, youll be entering college with some college-level biology under your belt. AP Chemistry and AP Calculus can also be valuable for students planning to major in STEM fields. Whatever you plan to study in college, taking Advanced Placement classes strengthen your college applications.Ã A strong academic record is the most important piece of the admissions equation, and success in challenging college-preparatory classes such as Advanced Placement is one of the most meaningful ways that a college can predict your college preparedness.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Global Warming - Essay Example Accordingly, this brief essay will attempt to briefly analyze this monolithic problem and propose a middle path to a debate that has been raging and consuming valuable time in the process. Furthermore, a determination will be sought to be made with regards to the question of whether human action or natural causes best explain the climate fluctuations that planet earth has recently been chronicling. Lastly, as a function of the previous points of discussion and analysis, the author will attempt to proscribe a reasonable and performable set of steps and solutions which both the scientific community and the world at large could and should seek to employ as a function of ameliorating the stress on planet earth and the issues at hand. Firstly, there is the point of view that strongly believes that the swings in climate change are the direct result of the presence of high amounts of human CO2 in the atmosphere that is causing a greenhouse effect on the planet and thereby causing world temp eratures to rise. Prima fascia of this argument is the belief that human CO2 emissions are responsible for the changes to the global climate. It follows therefore that those which ascribe to this point of view are the most vehement that drastic and immediate changes to the manner in which human beings interact with planet earth and seek to use her resources in order to achieve a high standard of living be re-assessed as a function of whether such practices are best for the future health and longevity of the planet (Gan et al 6555). However, the biggest drawback to this particular line of reasoning is the fact that the overall extent to which human CO2 factors into the percentage of total CO2 generated by planet earth on a yearly basis is so miniscule as to be laughable. Indeed, numerous studies have convincingly noted that human CO2 emissions only account for around 4% of total earth CO2 release in any given calendar year. Although this by no means relieves humans of their responsib ility towards the planet, it does however help put into perspective the precise scope of this problem and the means by which it should be sought to be rectified. The problem with this point of view is of course the fact that the main causal factors for global climate change with respect to the recent changes in temperature patterns have not been considered. For instance, there is a preponderance of evidence that the size and heat the sun generates is of course non-uniform and varies depending on the level of solar flares and solar storm activity (Powledge 9). As such, scientists have noted that beyond CO2 concentrations, the suns actual energy output has increased slightly over the exact same period in which the global climate change has been most powerfully noted (Ferrara 46). Of course the purpose of this brief essay is not to convince the reader regarding what the true culprit of global climate change truly is; rather, it is merely meant to acquaint the reader with the various ca usal mechanisms that likely influence the way in which the planetââ¬â¢s climate is regulated and changes as both a function of solar activity, human actions, and overall concentration of a number of other factors. Yet another issue with the global warming as a result of CO2 emission side of the argument is the fact that it is scientifically proven that global temperature is determined not only by CO2
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Health and Women as Healers in the African American Culture Research Paper
Health and Women as Healers in the African American Culture - Research Paper Example African Americans have a long health tradition and practices of health that shape what they do to care for themselves today. According to Becker, Rahima, and Edwina (par. 9), the traditional medicine of African Americans can be traced back past enslavement in America to their native cultures in Africa. Fundamental facets of the African American culture are key self-care strategy development. There is a basic self-care approach that builds on extensive values and practices. These practices and values comprise of social support, spirituality and traditional medicine. Each of these practices of culture is vital in shaping the understanding of an individual of self-care. Together, they form the foundation for the activities of self-care that are cultured further so as to manage illnesses. Nonetheless, when the cultural approach to self-care was applied to particular health concerns, the establishment of additional self-care strategies was impacted by access to health care. Health care accessibility made a difference in how individuals managed their illnesses Healing has a long alliance with faith, spirit, family support and altered consciousness state. Women have traditionally been healers in the society in all cultures, as healing has been viewed as the natural duty of wives and mothers. Healing has also been regarded as a natural display of the feminine principle. Healing is the return toward the integrity natural state and individual wholeness. Healers facilitate the process of healing. The woman healer learns or inherits skills and abilities of healing from family, apprenticeships or spirits. The woman healer can holistically observe the intricate nature of the illness. Then, she treats the mind, body and spirit with stress in the spirit and practice prevention of disease. Moreover, their clients trust them. These women have a distinct connection to the spirit world that empowers them to heal. Additionally, they are wise to
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